New Audiobook
Psychologist, Author, Television Personality, Speaker & Researcher
From Schizophrenia to Human Relationships
National Cases from Kidnapping to Terrorism
Eight Books Translated into 18 Languages
Regular appearances on CNN, NBC, PBS, ABC, CBS and more
Featured psychotherapist on shows as varied as NBC/Bravo's Bethenny... to ABC Prime Time Live to PBS Nova
Keynote Speaker from U.S. To Dubai to Australia to Belgium
Founder of The LEAP Institute
Helping Health Care Providers and Family Members

- Testimonials
- Books & DVDs
- Speaker
- Founder of LEAP Institute
“Dr. Amador’s method takes you by the hand and heart and leads you to an understanding that gives you the power to break the impasse and get what you need. I know of no one even in the same league.”
–Gerry Spence, author of New York Times Best Seller “How to Argue and Win Every Time.”
“[LEAP] gives practical advice and hope to those of us with a loved one who is battling a mental illness. It provides an easy to understand blueprint that can change and save lives.”
–Pete Earley, New York Times Best Selling author of “Crazy: A Fathers Search Through Americas Mental Health Madness.”
“Xavier Amador knows what he’s talking about. ‘I’m right, you’re wrong’ happens every day, [with LEAP] you can win those arguments and find the best way to move forward without burning bridges.”
–Jeffrey J. Fox, author of “How to Become a Rainmaker and How to Become CEO.”
“The techniques Dr. Amador offers are exactly those used in international diplomacy and conflict resolution situations. [LEAP] is a practical guide to working around and through problems that is useful on many different levels.”
–Robert P. Finn, Princeton University, and past U.S. Ambassador
Dr. Amador is the author of eight books, including the international best-seller, “I’m Not Sick, I Don’t Need Help” (available in 15 languages), “I’m Right, You’re Wrong, Now What,” “When Someone You Love is Depressed,” “Break the Bipolar Cycle” and “Being Single in a Couple’s World.”
Dr. Amador is an internationally sought-after speaker on a broad spectrum of topics, from health care to relationship-buidling. He speaks at a wide range of events, giving keynote speeches at conferences, corporate meetings, public talks at auditoriums, day-long and even week-long workshops at various retreats. His audiences range from thousands of people at a keynote talk, to intimate workshops ranging from 100 to 10 particpants.
Recent events have included a keynote speech to the NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Convention in Texas, a weekend retreat at the Omega Institute in New York on relationship-building, a keynote presentation to upper-management of a regional healthcare corporation based in California, a keynote speech for a pharmaceutical Global Conference in Dubai, and presentations on relationship building in the treatment of serious mental illnesses in Cambridge, MA, Providence, RI; Birmingham, Alabama, and Louisville, KY.
Dr. Xavier Amador, Founder of the LEAP INSTITUTE and co-Founder of the Henry Amador Center on Anosognosia, is an internationally renowned clinical psychologist and leader in his field. His books, authoritative clinical research, worldwide speaking tours and extensive work in schizophrenia, bipolar and other disorders have been translated into 30 languages. Dr. Amador is the author of the International Best Seller, “I am Not Sick, I Don’t Need Help!” He is also a family caregiver of two close relatives with schizophrenia and another with bipolar disorder.
From 1989 to 2002, Dr. Amador was on the medical school faculty at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. In 2002 Dr. Amador resigned a tenured faculty position at Columbia University and as Director of Psychology at the New York State Psychiatric Institute to honor his commitment to families that asked him to help educate mental health practitioners, family caregivers, and others about anosognosia and science-based practices proven to help persons with serious mental illness.
Dr. Amador was not only keeping a promise he made but also responding to his frustration as a clinical researcher who saw much needed knowledge stranded in professional journals rather than in the hands of clinicians, families, law enforcement, judges and legislators attempting to address the needs of persons with severe and persistent mental illness.
To honor his commitment, and pursue his dream, he accepted a position as Director, Center for Research Education and Practice at the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) where he founded NAMI’s Scientific Council, nationally launched Family to Family, Peer to Peer and In Our Own Voices as well as NAMI’s national initiative on Assertive Community Treatment (ACT).
After his tenure on staff, during which he was also Deputy Executive Director of NAMI, he resigned to serve on the Board of Directors at NAMI.
Visiting Professor of Psychology at the State University of New York, over the course of two decades he was Professor of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology at Columbia University and Director of Psychology at the New York State Psychiatric Institute. He served as co-chair of the Schizophrenia section of the DSM-IV-TR.
Author of more than 120 peer-reviewed articles and 8 books including “I am Not Sick, I Don’t Need Help!”. Written for both professional and lay readers; he shares research and practical advice on how to help engage patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in treatment, and shares his personal experience with his brother who suffered from schizophrenia.
His expertise has been called upon by government, industry and the broadcast and print media where he appears as a frequent expert for CNN, CNN International, ABC News, NBC News, Fox News Channel, CBS 60 Minutes, New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Wall Street Journal and many other national and international news outlets.
Dr. Amador is also the Director of the LEAP® Institute which was founded to provide education and training on anosognosia, the problem of poor adherence and provide practical communication tools (LEAP® communication program) designed to build bridges and partnerships with persons who hold views of their illness and needs that are opposite to that of their loved ones, doctors, and sometimes even law enforcement.
LEAP® Institute has trained tens of thousands of clinicians, family caregivers, law enforcement, justice officials and legislators worldwide. LEAP® Institute is separate and distinct from Henry Amador Center on Anosognosia which is a nonprofit 501(c)(3).