Learn to LEAP DVD
The LEAP Institute is excited to respond to requests for a DVD that brings a full-day training, with Dr. Amador, right to you! In this companion video to the best-selling book, I AM NOT SICK, I Don’t Need Help!® you will learn how to use the LEAP method, which shows health care professionals, family members and others how to create strong partnerships with people with mental illness, even when they don’t believe they’re ill!
You will learn the 7 LEAP tools to get immediate results (more trust, the conversation started again, treatment agreements, etc.) and longterm success (acceptance and persistence with treatment and services).
Here, you will see Dr. Amador and others in action using the LEAP method in role-plays focused on overcoming the obstacles we face when trying to help persons who have psychosis and anosognosia (do not understand they are ill).
This two-DVD set contains a four-hour LEAP training given personally by Dr. Amador, and comes with an interactive menu so you can jump ahead to topics that are pressing, go back to practice LEAP tools, or skip to important research or role-plays you want to share with others.
The video takes you far beyond the book by showing Health Care Professionals, Family Members and Dr. Amador, the creator of LEAP, in action together.
• Run Time 258 minutes • DVD Format NTSC
(NOTE: This is the same training that was previously offered as an online video.)
Watch a short preview by clicking on the video at the bottom of this page.